Hi Y'all I was presented with my very own official Bier Krug Yesterday.Acording to Duncan this is like getting my own tomb stone,I am a regular at the Memmelsdorf Bier Keller. After ninetenn years in Germany I am officially excepted.I am a honary guest.I know for most of You it is like and??.I happen to be very pleased.
Growing up in America I moved quit a bit.I have lived my entire adult live here in Germany.Their is a Bier krug with my name on it now. Damn am I getting old.Wow I am sure I am confusing some of You but i write what I am thinking and this is the result.Well Armin I am planning on spending the rest of my life here .I hope You find Your Home soon.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Dir ist aber klar, daß Du hier ein Beweisphoto veröffentlichen musst, oder?
This is getting scary. Where is my Prozac?
Wow I got one guy who wants proof and another who is going to take prozac.Well I got something for Ya both come to Memmelsdorf Germany 96117 and I will buy Ya a Bier.just send Me a e-mail or post here on the Blog when You are going to be there. Peace Greg
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